Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year, everyone!
I hope that this year is filled with joy, and love, and kindness. That's what makes the world go 'round, you know.
Anyways, I'm here to tell you all of my new resolutions for this year. But first, let's go back and check up on last year's resolutions and see what did and didn't get done.

#1: Write a novel (outside of NaNoWriMo)
Yeah, this didn't happen. As I've outlined before, I have trouble finishing writing projects when they land outside of deadlines or structures. But hey, I sure started plenty of novels.

#2: NaNoWriMo-Vol. 2
HEY I did this !!
And, I did win! (Just realized I totally meant to do a post telling y'all that and never got around to it - oops.)
But hey, I'm 1 for 1!

#3: Enter the WriteOutofThisWorld contest
My last resolution, which brings my tally up to: 2 for 1!
If you remember, I did a whole post about disappointment in a writer's life. That disappointment came from my initial entry into this contest. But at least I did it, right?

That brings me to this year's resolutions.

#1: Write a novel outside of NaNo
Yep. It's the same as last year. And considering I didn't get it done in 2016...why not try again?
Actually, I'm already well on my way. I've started a novel that's been in my brain for a while now, (go to In The Works and check out "A Season of Discord") and I'm really happy with the whole idea. Now, if I could just stay motivated...
But let's hope that even if this novel doesn't make it, I'm able to write another one.

#2: NaNoWriMo - Vol. 3
Yep, yep. I know. Another repeat. But this one is pretty much a given, so is it really even a resolution?

#3: Enter the WriteOutofThisWorld contest
Why, yes, this IS another repeat. But I'm actually pretty proud of myself for this one. Even after the huge disappointment of last year, I'm willing to go back and try again. And hey, nothing says "writer" like being rejected, am I right?

#4: Write short stories
Finally, a fresh resolution that hasn't been recycled from last year.
This is something that's been on my mind for a while. After working on my short stories for the contest, I've realized that I actually really enjoy writing them. I love the fact that it doesn't take up too much time (ergo, my brain is able to stay focused on them) and that I can take little concepts that aren't enough for a whole novel but I still love and put them into something short but fun. Plus, I'm hoping to post my stories on here, so you all can get a taste of my writing!

#5: Push myself
This kind of applies to everything in my life, not just writing. But for your sake, I'll outline what I mean when it comes to being a writer.
I want to write more and stay focused on the big projects (like novels!)
I want to write out of my comfort zone - write things I wouldn't normally write, like genres besides sci-fi or fantasy.
I want to allow more people to read my writing. I tend to get hung-up on people's opinions of me when it comes to my writing, but if I ever want to be published, I need to get past that fear. There will always be haters in this world.
I want to find a community - other writers who I can chat with and can be my peers when it comes to writing. People who are safe to read what I write and can constructively criticize my writing - something, like I said before, I'm almost afraid of.

Well, that's it for now. Thank you all for reading!