Friday, June 23, 2017

So, It's Been Awhile...

No, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth. I just got busy. Really busy. So, I'll do my best to catch you all up on some of the more exciting and/or important elements of my life in the past few months.
You remember that little thing called "Camp NaNo?" Yeah, that didn't happen. I mean, it did, but not for the whole month. Don't get me wrong, I loved the story I was working on, but I just ran out of motivation to write it. Which is something I'm going to try harder with this July, when I do Camp again. Wish me luck!
Hey, you remember that little writing contest called Write Out of This World that I entered last year? My whole big thing about rejection? Well, brave little me entered it again this year. And this time, I won 2nd Place! Yep! Pretty cool, huh? Honestly, though, the best thing about that wasn't the award ceremony (which was pretty awesome) or the prizes (50 bucks to Barnes and Noble was just one of the many prizes) but the community. I mean, I got to spend some quality time with fellow writers! How awesome is that?!
Anyways, if you guys want to read my WINNING story, just go here and look for "And the Stars Sang."
Also, just to show you how epic my award ceremony was, here's a picture my dad took of me reading an excerpt of my story.

Well, not much else has really been exciting in the past few months, but I CAN tell you that I've been working on a few short stories, so stay tuned! I may be sharing them with you guys in the future! In the meantime, thanks for reading, and stop by anytime!
