It's here.
National Novel Writing Month is here.
The goal: write 50k words in a month, in an attempt to write a novel.
Yes, it's pretty dang hard. But also incredibly worthwhile. Last year I signed up with the Young Writer's Program (where you can set your own goal) and managed to finish my novel of 35k. I was even able to print a legit, paperback copy of my story. I remember taking it out of the box and thinking, "it's a book. With my name on in. I wrote it." I was so proud of myself. Sure, maybe I didn't do any sort of editing, leaving it instead as a very, very rough draft. But nonetheless, it's a novel, and it's mine.
This NaNo so far:
Starting out, I had issues. Right away I felt like I had writer's block; the words didn't seem to come. But just a few minutes ago that changed.
I started out writing in 3rd person, something I've never really done before. And that, as it turns out, was the issue.
I was just writing a scene that started flowing really well, and I was really enjoying myself. But as I took a break a looked back at what I had written, I realized: I had inadvertently switched to 1st person.
I love writing in 1st person. It flows well, sounds more put-together. There are some worries, especially in this novel's case, but I think I'm going to switch fully to 1st person.
Yes, at some point I'll have to go back and change the POV from the beginning, but I think overall it will be much better for me and the novel.
For today (and yesterday) I'm not going to do a true log, like last year, but I'll give you a little info about what I've accomplished.
Today's wordcount: 1,945
Total words: 3,681
That's it for now. I have some problems with the story (not that I don't like it, just stuff I need to work through) but so far I'm really enjoying myself.
See ya on the flip side!
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