Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Camp NaNo Day 4

Yes, I know - I've already missed a day. BUT, in my defense, yesterday was pretty rough on me and I was too upset to finish my word count or make a post.
Luckily, I had enough free time (and willpower) today to make up for yesterday AND get my words done for today! So...Yay me!
Day: 4
Total words written: 6,720
Words written today: 2,565
Words left: 43,280
Favorite excerpt from the day: 
Meg couldn’t hear words coming out, but there they were, formed on Maeve’s trembling pink lips. Help me, Meg. Help me.
“Wha-” Meg slid to the floor, clenching the towel with white-knuckled hands. Her breathing had become heavy, her whole body shaking with fear. “How-”
Maeve’s face started getting more and more desperate. PLEASE! HELP ME!
“I don’t-” Meg trembled, tears rolling down her pale face.
And then, just like that, Maeve was gone. A spot of darkness filled the mirror, spreading until it engulfed the whole pane of glass, and then - it shattered.
Glass sprayed across the room. Meg put her arms up just in time, covered her vulnerable eyes but leaving the rest of her body bare. There was enough force behind the breakage to send shards into her skin; blood started to drip from scratches where she had been grazed.
But Meg just sat there, still, staring at where the mirror had been.
Where Maeve had been.

A few hours later, Megan’s mother found her sitting against the wall of the bathroom, surrounded by glass, bleeding, and fast asleep from exhaustion.

I got SO many chills writing this. And, I'm a little embarrassed to say it, but I tend to kind of act out the emotion as I write XD (Just another reason to write alone - imagine how weird it would look if I was in a coffee shop writing that part.)
And I have to admit, writing a novel set in the 90s is quite enjoyable, because of the research I get to take part in. Yes, that DOES mean 1. looking up 90s fashion 2. researching obscure things like "what literature was assigned to highschoolers in the 90s" and, my favorite, 3. listening to 90s music.
Let me share some of what that experience was like for me:
This was the first song that came up when I played a Spotify 90s playlist.
So. Bad. *shudders*
Thankfully, the next songs were more like this:
I refuse to be ashamed of the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed this song.
And then, of course, there were these types of songs:

And yes, it's just as bad as it sounds.
And of course, thankfully, there were also Nirvana songs that popped up in my research. That made it all worth it, I think.

Well, that's it for today, but thank you all for reading! If you have any suggestions on good 90s music for me to listen to while I write my novel, leave it down in the comments below!
(Hopefully) I'll write to you again tomorrow!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Camp NaNo Day 2

Well, it looks like day two has come and gone, with me finishing my word count for the day in the nick of time. Nothing says writer like staying up into the wee hours (or ten-thirty) trying to get all your words in. And hey, I'm proud of myself for actually finishing it, because I didn't have a great day today. (But I won't bog you down with the details)
Day: 2
Total words written: 3,423
Words written today: 1,704
Words left: 46,577
Favorite excerpt from the day:  “Here,” a whisper said into her ear. She turned and took the box of matches from Aidan’s shaking hands, gingerly plucking a single matchstick from the box and dragging it against the rough side. A flame flared, and Meg lowered it gently onto a waiting candle. The light grew gradually as she watched, flickering in some invisible breeze.
A thought came suddenly to Megan’s head as she stared at a glowing picture of Maeve.
“Wherever you are, Maeve,” she whispered quietly into the still air of the auditorium, “I hope you’re alright.”

This is random, but I want to thank you guys so much for reading. It makes me so happy to see the number of page views I get every time I post. Your following of my misadventures into the world of writing is making me so much more confident in my abilities!

Thanks, everyone!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Camp NaNo Day 1

Hello all,
it's day one of Camp NaNo, and guess what...
Ahhh, I love me some MST3k GIFs...

But, to get back to the point, YES! I actually met my word count goal for the day!
And, trust me, it was difficult. I think the hardest part was the very beginning...coming up with an opening sentence. That's not something I typically have difficulty with, but for some reason, I did today. 
But that doesn't matter right now. Like my favorite writing quote says, "it doesn't have to be good, it just has to be there." (I honestly can't remember who said that.)
Now, let's get down to it: the daily log!
Day: 1
Total Words Written: 1719
Words Written Today: 1719
Words Left: 48,281
Favorite excerpt: The sound of an angry seagull jarred Megan out of her peaceful slumber. She blinked in the dim light of the tent, closing her eyes against the glare of her watch as she checked the time: 2:37.

“Maeve,” she croaked, her mouth bitter from the cocoa residue on her teeth. When no reply came, she rolled over, ready to poke awake her sleeping friend. But, much to her surprise, the sleeping bag was empty, not even unrolled from its pack. She furrowed her eyebrows.
“Where is she,” she murmured to herself. Forcing herself to stand despite the still-sleeping feeling in her limbs, she unzipped the tent, peering outside. It was pitch-black, the fire no longer glowing and the peaceful sound of snoring emanating from the boys’ tent next door.

I hope you enjoyed that little snippet of my writing!
Well, keep me in your thoughts as I trudge on through the jungle that is Camp NaNo...and keep reading along as I *attempt* to do a daily log every day throughout April!
