Sunday, April 2, 2017

Camp NaNo Day 2

Well, it looks like day two has come and gone, with me finishing my word count for the day in the nick of time. Nothing says writer like staying up into the wee hours (or ten-thirty) trying to get all your words in. And hey, I'm proud of myself for actually finishing it, because I didn't have a great day today. (But I won't bog you down with the details)
Day: 2
Total words written: 3,423
Words written today: 1,704
Words left: 46,577
Favorite excerpt from the day:  “Here,” a whisper said into her ear. She turned and took the box of matches from Aidan’s shaking hands, gingerly plucking a single matchstick from the box and dragging it against the rough side. A flame flared, and Meg lowered it gently onto a waiting candle. The light grew gradually as she watched, flickering in some invisible breeze.
A thought came suddenly to Megan’s head as she stared at a glowing picture of Maeve.
“Wherever you are, Maeve,” she whispered quietly into the still air of the auditorium, “I hope you’re alright.”

This is random, but I want to thank you guys so much for reading. It makes me so happy to see the number of page views I get every time I post. Your following of my misadventures into the world of writing is making me so much more confident in my abilities!

Thanks, everyone!

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