Monday, November 30, 2015

NaNoWriMo: Revelation

Before I say anything else...
Yes, dear reader, this is the truth. I have officially finished my first NaNoWriMo, and I have officially finished my first novel.
It was hard, it was grueling, but I did it.
Okay, so maybe I did change my word count back down to 35k. But that doesn't really matter, right? That's still a large amount of words. And it was still a full blown story, with plot and characters and EVERYTHING.
So be proud of me. How many of you out there actually won NaNo your first year of it? (Okay, so maybe a lot, but c'mon)
To celebrate, I...I don't know.
Maybe I'll not stay up until 11 every night, trying to get in my word count.
Maybe I'll immediately start writing another novel, now that I know what it's like finishing one (actually, this kind of is my plan...)
Maybe I'll go out and get fat on celebratory doughnuts with my writing partner Abby. (Also likely, we discussed this at the beginning of the month XD)
In any case, I'm done. I've finished a book, I know what it's like, I'm motivated to do that again, outside of NaNo.
Be proud of me, people. Trying to write through schoolwork, an obnoxious little brother at home, and craft fair prep is harder than you think.

So, until next time...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

NaNo Log: Day 11

Ayyy I'm actually keeping up wit dis lyfe. (Insert other stereotypical teenage gobbledygook here.)
Yes, I am sick, and yes, I did get to stay home from co-op today. THOUGH I'm not *exactly* caught up (that would take many, many straight hours of writing), I did get quite a bit done today. Sooo....
Day: 11
Total Words Written: 8,546
Words Written Today: 1,546
Words Left: 36,454
Favorite Line:
“This is Mission Control.” Said the man’s deep voice. “Ready for liftoff?”

            “Affirmative.” Marcus said solemnly, nodding approval to Preston beside him.

            “Starting engines now.” Preston turned a dial and the ship roared to life, rumbling beneath our feet and over our heads.

            “T-minus 60, 59, 58…”

My breath caught as the countdown started. I had nothing to do for now except strap in and organize myself for launch. Red strapped in next to me.

            “45, 44, 43…”

Preston’s fingers flew over the keys and buttons on his panel. Marcus sat in anticipation, his hand poised over a little numerical keyboard.

“39, 38, 37, 36…” Sitting back, Preston set his left hand on the armrest and lingered his other hand over a final lever. Marcus’s fingers started to tremble. Suddenly he sat bolt upright, bright, intense fear in his eyes. His hand dropped from the keyboard.

“What are you doing?” I yelled at him over the tremulous noise.

“I can’t…” Marcus looked back at me, pleading.

“23, 22, 21…”

“You have to!” I screamed. The men on the other side of the screen were apparently oblivious to our situation. Preston and Red were alarmed, but neither could do a thing.

“15, 14, 13…”

I unstrapped myself and stumbled over to the captain’s seat. Marcus sat, statuesque and white as marble.

“10, 9, 8…”

 I tore him out of the seat and strapped myself in. He tripped over to my own seat, and fumbling with the buckles, managed to get himself tied in.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Please key in launch code ‘030’.”

I did as he said, my fingers typing in the numbers as quickly as possible. Nodding, I signaled Preston to complete his final launch duty.

“Liftoff.” Preston threw the lever forward, and we were instantly pressed against our seats at the sheer power of the craft. I wanted to turn my head, to see Marcus as he sat behind me in my own seat. But since the force did not allow me too, I could only imagine his face.

A face of pure fear, of pure shame.

Heheh, sorry for the extensive writing excerpt. I'm just really thrilled with this part :) So, pray that I keep up on the writing a lot a day, because it's necessary. VERY necessary. The motivation is so hard, ya know?

Anywho...see ya!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

NaNo Log: Day 10

So, I, uh, KIND OF wrote today. Just a leetle bit. WAITWAITWAIT before you judge, I'm getting sick AND my brother's still home and crying AND I'm still behind on school. And obviously, NaNo isn't my mom's priority for me, right now. But I did what I could, with what I had, where I was. (Teddy Roosevelt, anyone?)
And although this sickness is supposedly just a cold, I'm kind of miserable. Maybe mumsy will let me skip co-op tomorrow, and I will be able to catch up on schoolwork and writing.

Day: 10
Total Words Written: 7,000
Words Written Today: 464
Words Left: 38,000
Favorite Line:
“Good-bye, and good luck.” The official nodded pertinently and strode through the middle of our group. At the other end of the bridge he gave a neat salute and disappeared into the dark corridor. We were all alone now.
                                          /\ Me right now.../\
Why, yes, that IS how I look at 9:00 at night, sick and wearing no makeup.
Gollum must leave you now. Gollum says goodbye.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

NaNo Log: Day .........8?

Heheh. Sowwy. Life's just been a little crazy for me. IT'S NOT PERSONAL, I PROMISE GUYS I'm totally behind on my word count, too.
A little summary of my life craziness right now:
The little bro just had a surgery. A BIG surgery. So I've been spending many nights and days with friends, trying to get school done and write while not completely shunning the peeps. It's hard. BUT luckily, on Friday night my friend had to babysit so I got an hour and a half of writing in and caught up a bunch. Yay! So please pray, people, I need it right now as does my fam.
And now...
Day: 8...though I've missed logging what, 6 days?
Total Words Written: Haven't finished my writing for the day, but I suppose I should try to get the base down so you get the idea: 6,382
Words Written Today: 548...heh, again, not finished for today. But I got SO much done on Friday, almost 2k, I believe so DON'T JUDGE
Favorite Line:
            It was the day.

            The morning sprung bright, glistening with dew and the sound of careless birds singing. I woke up in a puddle of drool on my pillow, still half in my uniform and my arm draped over an open textbook. But the grogginess in my eyes soon cleared up.

            The day!” was all I could think. “The day! The day!”

            As I brushed my teeth and smiled into the mirror, “The day!

            As I arranged my light travelling cases by the door, “The day!

            In every sound, in everything I thought or saw or tasted, “The day!” Nothing more excited had ever happened, it seemed. My life before this, truly, was simply the rising action to the climax of today. I felt a rosy flush in my cheeks and a sparkle in my eye. Nothing could compare to this feeling. Nothing.
Be proud of me. I had to spend like a whole day or two this week trying to find out how to get a relationshippy talk not sound like it's a bunch of Jr. Highers. Thankee Abby, for being my writing partner <3

Monday, November 2, 2015

NaNo Log: Day 2

So, again, late at night-ish, I finish my writing for the day. I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and make a little log template for myself, to keep track more easily.

Day: 2
Total Words Written: 2,414
Words Written Today: 1,229
Words Left: 42,586
Favorite Line:
"A gasp caught in my throat. The sphere, as shown from the scanners, was not a star or other heavenly body, but instead a planet.  

A planet about ninety million miles from the closest star.

A planet with a diameter of about thirteen thousand kilometers.

A planet like Earth."
As I'm sure you've noticed (or not, I don't know how attentive you are), I've bumped up my word goal from 30k to 45k. As I was writing, it just seemed like it was going to be very short, and since it's a sci-fi, I wanted to make it a longer story. Of course, there's a chance I'll change the word goal back if I find I won't have enough content to cover it.
I'm equally as stoked with my story today...but not so much with the writing. It's difficult, sometimes, especially in a sci-fi that deals a lot with technological descriptions. Ever read "Citizen of the Galaxy" by Heinlein? There's literally a whole chapter devoted to explaining the delicate inner workings of the space ship and it's culture. It's still my favorite sci-fi, though. So I though an appropriate geeky meme would fit in nicely with this.
If you don't get this, you're dead to me.
Just kidding. If you don't go watch MST3k* right now, you're dead to me.
*Mystery Science Theater 3000
Adios, peeps. Enjoy life and stuff.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


It's here, people.
It's really, truly, finally here.
My first NaNo has begun.

So, I'm gonna attempt to update my log *at least* once a week, if not every day or so. And I'm sure you can tell, since it's 10:00 at night, that I've spent much of my day writing and also my night writing.
And, congrats to me, I've managed to knock off 1,185 words TODAY.
Maybe this isn't impressive to you, but I'm SO proud of myself.

I have to admit, I wasn't that thrilled with my story plan yesterday and the day before. I was actually scared, scared that I wouldn't like it at all as I tried to write it and have to come up with something new very, very quickly.
But after writing today, I'm really in love.
I'm in love with the story.
In love with the characters.
In love with the relationships.
Really, truly, finally in love.

Thanks for reading. I hope I haven't distracted you from your own NaNo and gotten your word goal all off.