Monday, November 2, 2015

NaNo Log: Day 2

So, again, late at night-ish, I finish my writing for the day. I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and make a little log template for myself, to keep track more easily.

Day: 2
Total Words Written: 2,414
Words Written Today: 1,229
Words Left: 42,586
Favorite Line:
"A gasp caught in my throat. The sphere, as shown from the scanners, was not a star or other heavenly body, but instead a planet.  

A planet about ninety million miles from the closest star.

A planet with a diameter of about thirteen thousand kilometers.

A planet like Earth."
As I'm sure you've noticed (or not, I don't know how attentive you are), I've bumped up my word goal from 30k to 45k. As I was writing, it just seemed like it was going to be very short, and since it's a sci-fi, I wanted to make it a longer story. Of course, there's a chance I'll change the word goal back if I find I won't have enough content to cover it.
I'm equally as stoked with my story today...but not so much with the writing. It's difficult, sometimes, especially in a sci-fi that deals a lot with technological descriptions. Ever read "Citizen of the Galaxy" by Heinlein? There's literally a whole chapter devoted to explaining the delicate inner workings of the space ship and it's culture. It's still my favorite sci-fi, though. So I though an appropriate geeky meme would fit in nicely with this.
If you don't get this, you're dead to me.
Just kidding. If you don't go watch MST3k* right now, you're dead to me.
*Mystery Science Theater 3000
Adios, peeps. Enjoy life and stuff.

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