Monday, November 30, 2015

NaNoWriMo: Revelation

Before I say anything else...
Yes, dear reader, this is the truth. I have officially finished my first NaNoWriMo, and I have officially finished my first novel.
It was hard, it was grueling, but I did it.
Okay, so maybe I did change my word count back down to 35k. But that doesn't really matter, right? That's still a large amount of words. And it was still a full blown story, with plot and characters and EVERYTHING.
So be proud of me. How many of you out there actually won NaNo your first year of it? (Okay, so maybe a lot, but c'mon)
To celebrate, I...I don't know.
Maybe I'll not stay up until 11 every night, trying to get in my word count.
Maybe I'll immediately start writing another novel, now that I know what it's like finishing one (actually, this kind of is my plan...)
Maybe I'll go out and get fat on celebratory doughnuts with my writing partner Abby. (Also likely, we discussed this at the beginning of the month XD)
In any case, I'm done. I've finished a book, I know what it's like, I'm motivated to do that again, outside of NaNo.
Be proud of me, people. Trying to write through schoolwork, an obnoxious little brother at home, and craft fair prep is harder than you think.

So, until next time...

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